Sending MIDI with Arduino / Wemos D1 ESP8266

This post are part of my final project, “Design and Implementation of Arduino based rtpMIDI and 5 pin MIDI”. After discussing with my tutor, and thinking about it lately, I decided to not use Arduino Mega. Fortunately, on the title of my final project (Indonesia : Perancangan dan Implementasi rtpMIDI dan MIDI 5 pin berbasis… Continue reading Sending MIDI with Arduino / Wemos D1 ESP8266

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How to program Arduino Mega in Robotdyn Mega+Wifi

This posting was part of the journey to graduate from  Diploma 3 Computer Engineer PCR. After long time no single post, finally I posted something today. So many things happened that requires time, also some internal problems, also many many projects outside campus and church … I only can say sorry There is more story in… Continue reading How to program Arduino Mega in Robotdyn Mega+Wifi

Share Button Packet Tracer – Configuring PAP and CHAP Authentication (100% Completed + Download)

This post was made because Fauziyah asked for some help. Download Packet Tracer – Configuring PAP and CHAP Authentication 100% Completed

Share Button Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 2 (100% Completed + Download)

This post was made because I was not present during lab work on campus. Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 2 Background / Scenario In this scenario, devices on one LAN are allowed to remotely access devices in another LAN using the Telnet protocol. Besides ICMP, all traffic from other networks is denied.

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This post was made because I was not present during lab work on campus. Download Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1 (100% Completed) Background / Scenario Two employees need access to services provided by the server. PC1 only needs FTP access while PC2 only needs web access. Both computers are able to ping the server,… Continue reading Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1 (100% Completed + Download)

Share Button Packet Tracer – Configuring Static Frame Relay Maps (100% Completed + Download)

This post was made because I was not present during lab work on campus. In this activity, you will configure two static Frame Relay maps. Although the LMI type is autosensed on the routers, you will statically assign the type by manually configuring the LMI. Download 100% Packet Tracer – Configuring Static Frame Relay… Continue reading Packet Tracer – Configuring Static Frame Relay Maps (100% Completed + Download)

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Magang di Consumer Services Telkom Ridar

Persiapan sebelum seminar kerja praktek FO 1.6.6 Pengajuan seminar hasil KP FO 1.6.7 Undangan Seminar KP-Magang FO 1.6.19 Lembar Kehadiran Audiens-Peserta Seminar Hasil Untuk Pembimbing 1. Cover untuk Pembimbing 2. FO 1.6.8 Catatan Notulen Kerja Praktek-pembimbing 2.-FO-1.6.9-Berita-Acara-Kerja-Praktek-pembimbing-1 (PDF) rev 2 4. FO 1.6.11 Nilai KP Dosen Pembimbing 5. FO 1.6.15 Revisi Pembimbing Untuk Penguji 1.-Cover-untuk-Reviewer (PDF)… Continue reading Magang di Consumer Services Telkom Ridar

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Catatan Etika Profesi Semester 4

Kebanyakan isi artikel dibawah hasil copy paste. Hak cipta kembali ke masing masing penulis aslinya, tapi udah susah banget buat dicari siapa yang nulis. Lagian aku mager juga.

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Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul ARDX CIRC-03 – Transistor dan Motor

Apa yang kita lakukan  Pin arduino bisa mengendalikan benda elektronik kecil seperti LED. Tapi, ketika bermain dengan sesuatu yang lebih besar (seperti motor mainan atau mesin cuci), kita perlu transistor external. Transistor berguna untuk menyambung dan memutus arus besar dengan arus yang kecil. Sebuah transistor punya 3 pin. Untuk transistor negatif (NPN), kamu menghubungkan load… Continue reading Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul ARDX CIRC-03 – Transistor dan Motor

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Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul ARDX CIRC-09 – Foto resistor

Apa yang kita lakukan? Mendapatkan inputan dari potensiometer bisa berguna untuk eksperimen yang dikendalikan manusia, tapi gimana kalau kita mau eksperimen yang dikendalikan lingkungan? Kita menggunakan prinsip yang hampir sama, tapi dibandingkan menggunakan potensiometer, kita pakai photo resistor (light dependent resistor / sensor cahaya). Arduino gak bisa merasakan resistansi langsung (dia merasakan voltage), jadi kita… Continue reading Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul ARDX CIRC-09 – Foto resistor

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